Monday, September 15, 2014

Ten Day Green Smoothie Challenge Day TEN!!

Wow! I made it this far!! If I can just survive tonight, I'll have accomplished my goal. What isn't very good is I should eat clean the rest of my life and have at least one green smoothie per day. That sucks. I love chocolate and pizza and popcorn and unhealthy things very much. I ate popcorn last night and cheated. It had no butter on it though. Very little salt. You're not supposed to have salt on this green smoothie diet. At all. I never cheated today yet, but I probably will, eventually. Evenings are very difficult.

Last I stepped on the scale it read 135 lbs.

Green Smoothie ten Day Challenge. Three days after it's over (or four)

I gained back three pounds. I'm OK with that though. I would still like to remain in the correct direction, but whatever. I am eating far healthier overall. I tasted a yogurt Popsicle and it tasted like frozen milk with sugar to me. I didn't even like it. So my tastes have changed. I am better able to control myself around sugar and sugar-laden desserts. I never eat grease, so I think the challenge was good for me.

I think I'll try it again in a week or two.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Day nine of a ten-day Green Smoothie Cleanse

I can't take it. I am very hungry. Negative comments from co-workers I shouldn't have shared this Green Smoothie information with (my own fault) anyone. I just like talking about it since I am doing it. I am crazy hungry though.

I haven't cheated today. I probably ate too much grapes. Maybe I had too many nuts as well. I really want some popcorn. I guess I'm healthier.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Ten-Day Green Smoothie Challenge Day Eight

Thought I wasn't going to be able to take it today at work. Two more days!! So excited to have accomplished this so far. I am so close. I'm feeling fine, but I would like more food.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Ten-Day Green Smoothie Cleanse Day Seven

I don't know what I weigh, but yesterday it was 138 lbs. The smoothies are starting to bother my intestines a bit. I only have three days after this though. Today's smoothie was OK. There were blueberries in it. I don't really like pineapple, so I don't enjoy smoothies with nothing that masks the pineapple enough. Blueberries seem to do the best job so far. I have a bad habit of snacking constantly. As soon as I feel hungry at all, I tend to try to get food in my mouth. I should be able to handle not eating for a little while. Hopefully in the next three days I can overcome that tendency. We'll see I guess.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Green Smoothie Detoxifying Cleanse Day five - Half-Way There!

I GAINED one pound since the start of this cleanse. Apparently I am the only one. I didn't cheat the last two days at all and the first two I only cheated a little bit with popcorn plain, no butter. UGH!!

Friday, September 5, 2014

Detox Cleansing Green Smoothie Ten-Day Challenge 5 September 2014

I lost three pounds and this is day three. I cheated as well with popcorn and three extra smoothies today. I'm not pooping more than normal as someone at work thought, but I am peeing like CRAZY. Every hour pretty much. I think I can take it. I think I'll follow it to the T tomorrow because it actually isn't that incredibly difficult. Maybe I just feel so full from stuffing myself with green smoothies though. Could be that. I guess. I had two handfuls of unsalted nuts and you are only supposed to have one. I can't wait until tomorrow to see if this challenge worked as far as weight loss goes. I do feel pretty good though. Sometimes I feel very hungry, but that's why I cheated with extra smoothies and extra nuts. I have a very physically demanding job. I'm walking very fast for eight hours and I'm lifting heavy things as well.

My daughter wanted to do this Green Smoothie thing as well. I'm a little bit worried about her because she does ballet which is very physically demanding. She dances for about five hours a day. She may need more energy than I do. She's seventeen. She won't die though. I think she'll be totally fine, but it worries me anyway. I can't tell her she can't do it when I'm doing it. Plus, I don't think she'd listen to me. So now I'm 139 lbs.